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We want to share the writing skills you need to grow in the craft of writing.

When you decide to get a message out of your heart and onto the page, you sit down at the computer and wonder how to begin.

Should I plan it out or just start writing?

You take a stab at the writing, but then the words stop flowing and doubt descends.

Even if I manage to get this written, will anyone want to read it?

If it’s a message you care deeply about, the answer is a resounding “Yes!”

Do you have a message on your heart you wish to write?

We coach writers to share their message of hope. We want you to know the satisfaction of seeing your writing projects through to completion.

With clarity and know-how, you will learn to communicate your message and invite readers to journey with you.

The FlourishWriters Guide to Writing Masterclass Collection is a collection of eight workbooks with video training to help you master the essential skills of the writing craft. It's all designed for aspiring and working writers to grow in the craft of nonfiction writing.

LEARN to clarify and prioritize your ideas

ORGANIZE your writing projects

PRACTICE writing techniques to help you complete your first draft

GROW as a self-editor capable of completing a crafted manuscript

SHOW UP with confidence as you share your words with others

You're in the right place

If you have a story that needs to get from your heart to the page

"FlourishWriters not only teaches you the craft of writing, it helps cultivate the heart of Jesus in everything you do. Oh, how I wish I had FlourishWriters when I started writing so many years ago!"

Joanna Weaver

Gain confidence as you get to know your readers and experience the blessing of sharing your message with others.

Produce a polished final draft with guided self-editing checklists designed to help you complete a crafted manuscript.

Eventually you’ve got to get the rear in the chair and write as you communicate your message with skill.

Engage in hands-on learning with clear explanations, easy-to-follow examples, checklists, and practice exercises.

Gain strategies to plan and organize your writing tasks so you know where to begin and when you’re headed.

Too many ideas? Get clear and prioritize your ideas so you know which project to start first.

the masterclass collection guides you to






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Inside the flourishwriters guide to writing Masterclass collection you will receive:

The Masterclass Collection provides immediate access to an online learning portal that includes eight masterclass workshops with over 8 hours of step-by-step video instruction.


A 170-page guidebook accompanies the teaching videos, providing detailed written guidance. Get your keyboard fired up as you engage with hands-on learning through clear explanations, examples, checklists, and practice exercises.


When the words are written and it's time to share your words, turn to the Publishing and Marketing Starter Kit. It includes two workshops, sixteen mentor sessions with industry leaders, and a printable guide that walks you through the steps of traditional and self-publishing.

A preview of the Guidebook

Watch this video to learn more about the masterclass collection

"While most organizations focus almost entirely on craft or productivity, Mindy and Jenny have created a unique offering where your artistry will blossom, your soul will thrive, and your writing will flourish . . . one story at a time. "

Allen Arnold

- Sonia Amin

I am so thankful for the program, classes, workshops, resources, and most of all the community you have provided. When I got my author copy of my first book, I was in tears for the joy of seeing this project come into being.

It was completely a God thing that I found FlourishWriters.

- Cynthia Knight

I know without a doubt I would not have been revitalized to resume my writing had it not been for FlourishWriters, the prayers, and the inspiration I received here. God Bless!

Due to your motivation and inspiration I was able to complete two books in 2021. 

WHAT our community WANTs YOU TO KNOW

- Dawn Ward

Well, just go for it. I did. Thank you, FlourishWriters, for giving me the courage to say yes.

Are you Looking at that thing and asking if you should move forward?

- Cheryl Shumake

God's assignment for my life has been affirmed through FlourishWriters to the extent it has launched a whole new ministry, including a podcast, retreats, workshops, and Bible studies.

FlourishWriters is exactly what I needed.

Does insecurity, fear, and anxiety creep up to whisper, "You’re an imposter. You’re not a writer." Because of FlourishWriters, I have a lot of tools that help me push away those lies and approach my writing in an organized way.

The Student Experience

What I learned at FlourishWriters is a step-by-step process of intentionality: how to think of the reader and invite the reader to come along with us. Being a FlourishWriter, I have gained so much confidence that I recently published my first children’s book.

Maria Klingsheim

With FlourishWriters, I learned how to connect with and serve my reader. When I started putting into practice what I was learning, not only did I gain technical skills, but I gained the courage to be vulnerable. I discovered a fresh new way of writing that is natural, welcoming, and full of life.

Marvita Franklin

Cheryl Shumake

At FlourishWriters, I learned the six-phases of the writing process and how to apply them to writing my story. I also learned that writing alongside community is much better than writing alone. I received the confidence I needed to write my first published piece.

Valerie Terrell

I knew I had a story to tell. FlourishWriters gave me the information I needed to find my voice and get my story out there. The community supported me and gave me feedback. With that confidence I published my book on Amazon.

Lisa Ghilardi Hudson

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I’m ready to write and share my words with others

WHAT will you LEARN

In this masterclass, you will learn

The starting place for any writing project is getting crystal clear on the idea. The brainstorming process guides you to select and prioritize the projects you take on in your writing life so you know where you’re headed and what steps will take you there.

a brainstorming process to gain clarity;
how to select and prioritize projects; and
a strategy to validate your winning idea. 

In this masterclass, you will learn
questions to ask yourself before beginning to write;
ten tips to craft a well-written personal story; and
how to read like a writer.
In this masterclass, you will learn to

You build a solid foundation for your writing project by clarifying your purpose. Guided by your purpose and your readers' needs,  you communicate the heart of your message by learning the structure of a purpose-driven story.

clarify your purpose for writing;
write a purpose statement; and
structure a purpose-driven personal story.

In this masterclass, you will learn
how to design a compelling opener;
to use concrete language; and
how to present the Hero's Journey.

In this masterclass, you will learn

Word pictures create images and feelings in the mind and heart of your reader which connects your message to your reader’s experience. Understanding the difference between showing and telling is a critical tool in your writer’s toolbox.

the difference between showing and telling;
when to use and create word pictures; and
how to recognize common pitfalls in creating word pictures. 

In this masterclass, you will learn
to craft your message with clarity;
the value of writing first, editing later; and 
how to use a self-editing checklist.
In this masterclass, you will learn

It's mystifying when thoughts are clear in your mind but jumbled on the page. A writer has two goals for each sentence: clarify what you’re trying to say and communicate what you’re trying to say. The Strong Sentence Self-Edit Checklist will help you do just that.

how to assess clarity one sentence at a time;
to craft strong sentences that work together; and
to revise sentences until your meaning is clear using a self-editing checklist. 

In this masterclass, you will learn
how to create a powerful visual brand;
key branding elements needed to connect with your community; and
how to connect your personal brand and resource offerings. 

When you clarify and communicate your message with the art and craft of storytelling, you'll connect with the heart of your reader. With simple storytelling principles as your foundation, learn to write a compelling story that keeps readers engaged to the last page.

You want to attract your reader’s attention, capturing and holding their interest in your words. Hook your reader by designing a compelling opener, using concrete language, and presenting the Hero’s Journey.

Editing can feel overwhelming, but we remove the complexity by teaching you to use a three-step self-editing checklist that focuses on the right questions at the right time. Learn to skillfully self-edit as you craft and communicate your message with clarity.

A personal brand curates an atmosphere that draws in your ideal reader and cultivates a feeling of belonging. This is one way of letting your light shine and getting your message into the hands of your readers, serving them with an authentic heart-to-heart connection. 

Get a Sneak Peek Inside
the Guide to Writing

When it's time to share your message, turn to the Publishing and Marketing Starter Kit. It includes two workshops, sixteen mentor sessions with industry leaders, and a printable guide that details the steps of both traditional and self-publishing. 

  • How Literary Agents Help Writers Succeed
  • Best Practices for Book Proposals that Sell
  • Platform Building for Christian Writers
  • Growing Your Audience 
  • Finding Your Voice on Social Media
  • Amazon Bookselling Techniques

Sharing your message with the world just got easier!

Register By June 30th and receive the following bonuses

You’re going to love the practical guidance, examples, checklists, practice exercises, and easy-to-follow instructions in our beautiful full-color 170 page guidebook. 

Learn to clarify your ideas and prioritize the right projects 

Gain strategies to plan and organize your thoughts

Practice writing techniques 

Grow as a self-editor capable of polishing a final draft

Show up with confidence as you develop a personal brand 

FREE Print Guidebook shipped to your home! 

LIMITED TIME bonus #1:

Time to Flourish: Creative Gathering for Writers is a soulful virtual retreat experience taking place on July 29th-30th designed to refocus and refresh the source of your creative expression.

We gather as the FlourishWriters family to affirm your God-given giftings.

Our prayer is that your heart would flourish as you show up to share your message with others.

limited time BONUS #2:

Receive personal answers to your questions
Find the right tools and resources 
Figure out where you are and where you want to be
Clarify goals and get action plans down on paper
Commit to taking the next right step 

If you’ve experienced the frustration of sitting with unanswered questions, a one-on-one coaching call with Mindy & Jenny connects you with the mentoring you need to overcome any roadblock. A 25-minute coaching session keeps you motivated and moving forward. 

One-on-One 25-Minute Coaching Call


"FlourishWriters is a wonderful resource. I appreciate the way that Mindy and Jenny understand the challenges that many writers face - practically, emotionally, and spiritually - and the way they are committed to providing resources that will help community members overcome those challenges."

Kate Motaung

ok, i'm in!

We designed the FlourishWriters Guide to Writing: Crafting Your Nonfiction Message One Step at a Time to fast-track your writing journey. It's full of the lessons we learned writing and sharing our stories.

You don’t need to spend years figuring it out. We want to equip you to get your passion project into the hands of readers.

We pray this Masterclass Collection helps you clarify your message and craft an experience that equips and encourages your readers.

You have the vision, now let us give you the roadmap to communicate your vision with words that bless others for a lifetime.

Why the Collection?


170-Page Digital Workbook

FlourishWriters Guide to Writing Masterclass Collection

guide to writing
masterclass collection




"i'm all in"

Join us and take your message from your heart to the page



Jennifer Kochert & Mindy Kiker founded FlourishWriters to share the lessons they learned while writing their personal stories of God’s faithfulness. FlourishWriters nurtures  faith-based communicators as they grow in the craft of writing. Mindy and Jenny gather writers who desire to birth a message from the heart to the page.  

Jenny Kochert & Mindy Kiker

About Your Instructors

I have one more question.

If we haven’t answered all of your questions here, please email us – info@flourishgathering.com. We reply personally to every query.

Is FlourishWriters faith-based?

Yes, we are a Christian ministry. You do not need to be working on spiritual writing to feel right at home. We support writers in many different genres.

Is there a split pay option?

Yes, you can pay half now and the other half in 30 days. You gain instant access immediately after the first payment.

Does the content apply to beginners or experienced writers?

Writers at all levels are accommodated. Sometimes we need help to identify the gaps in our knowledge base. The FlourishWriters Guide to Writing contains guidance tested with thousands of writers. The focus is on practical, doable, step-by-step learning.

Is the FlourishWriters Guide to Writing self-paced?

Yes, you receive instant access to the Masterclass Collection and you can work through it at your own pace. Each of the masterclasses stand alone and can be utilized in any order. Together, they create a solid foundation for your writing life no matter your writing stage.

Do I have lifetime access? 

Yes, you receive all the masterclass and bonus resources in your personal FlourishWriters library. You have unlimited access to login anytime from anywhere. Watch your favorite videos on demand. Download and print digital implementation guides again and again.

Common Q's and A's:

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